Week 12: The Power of Unplugging

I often find myself exploring various strategies with my clients, seeking the most effective ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and the myriad of emotions that accompany our human experience. While many associate coping with adding something—a new activity, a mindfulness practice, or a self-care routine—there's a powerful strategy that involves the art of unplugging.

In today's digital age, we're constantly bombarded with information, entertainment, and social media updates. While these platforms offer connectivity and a wealth of knowledge, they can also be overwhelming and contribute to feelings of anxiety and inadequacy. Many people kickstart their day by immersing themselves in this digital barrage, inadvertently setting a tone of tension and unease right from the get-go.

Implementing media breaks involves purposefully stepping away from screens and digital devices for a designated period, granting ourselves the invaluable opportunity to recharge and refocus. This intentional pause can foster a sense of inner calm and clarity, priming us for the challenges that lie ahead and empowering us to approach them with resilience and centeredness.

The Power of Unplugging

  • Reducing Information Overload: Our brains are not designed to process the immense volume of information we encounter daily. Constant exposure to news alerts, social media feeds, and emails can lead to cognitive overload and heightened stress levels. By unplugging from media, we give our minds a much-needed break, allowing them to recalibrate and function more effectively.

  • Enhancing Presence and Mindfulness: Engaging in constant media consumption can pull us away from the present moment, diminishing our ability to connect with ourselves and others. Media breaks provide an opportunity to cultivate mindfulness and presence, enabling us to fully immerse ourselves in the richness of our immediate surroundings and experiences.

  • Restoring Emotional Well-Being: Social media platforms often serve as highlight reels, showcasing curated versions of people's lives. This can fuel comparison, self-doubt, and feelings of inadequacy. Taking a break from social media can help restore our emotional well-being by reducing comparison, fostering self-compassion, and promoting authentic connections with others.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Media Breaks

  • Set Boundaries: Establish specific times during the day when you will refrain from using digital devices. This could be during meals, before bedtime, or during designated "media-free" hours.

  • Create Tech-Free Zones: Designate certain areas of your home, such as the bedroom or dining room, as tech-free zones. This helps create physical boundaries that support your efforts to disconnect.

  • Engage in Offline Activities: Use media breaks as an opportunity to engage in offline activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. This could include reading a book, going for a walk, practicing a hobby, or spending quality time with loved ones.

  • Practice Self-Compassion: It's important to approach media breaks with self-compassion and without judgment. If you find yourself tempted to check your phone or computer, remind yourself that it's okay to take breaks and prioritize your well-being.


Integrating media breaks into our daily routines offers profound benefits for our resilience, emotional balance, and connection with both ourselves and the world. Regular breaks provide us with an opportunity to regain perspective, reconnect with the present moment, and indulge in activities that nurture relaxation and self-care. Despite the hurdles such as the fear of missing out (FOMO), addictive tendencies, and societal pressures to remain constantly connected, it's essential to acknowledge the significance of incorporating media breaks for our mental and emotional health.

It's important to remember that coping doesn't always necessitate adding something to our lives; sometimes, it entails removing distractions and granting ourselves the invaluable gift of presence.


Week 13: Coping with Kindness


Week 11: The Power of Music