Week 18: Have as Good of a Week as Possible…

In my years of clinical practice, I initially wrapped up sessions with a seemingly simple phrase: "Have a good week!" The responses ranged from gratitude to amusement to a look of incredulity that seemed to ask, "How is that even possible?" It was this latter reaction that prompted me to make a subtle adjustment: adding "as possible." Despite the initial chuckles this tweak often elicited, it just felt right.

Recently, a client directly asked about the significance of this phrase, giving me the opportunity to explain its intentionality: "Have as good of a week as possible." This isn't merely a customary farewell; it embodies a deeper principle of resilience and self-compassion.

You see, coping isn't about magically erasing life's difficulties or pretending everything is fine when it's not. It's about navigating life's ups and downs with grace and fortitude, even when circumstances seem daunting. And that's where "have as good of a week as possible" comes in.

At its core, this statement embodies the concept of realistic optimism. It acknowledges life's challenges while emphasizing agency and possibility. It's an invitation to make the best out of whatever comes our way, even when things seem bleak.

For some clients, this phrase serves as a gentle reminder to focus on what they can control rather than dwelling on what they can't. It encourages them to identify small victories and moments of joy amidst chaos. Whether it's savoring a cup of tea, taking a leisurely walk, or connecting with loved ones, these seemingly mundane acts can be powerful coping mechanisms.

Moreover, "have as good of a week as possible" fosters resilience by promoting adaptive coping strategies. Instead of succumbing to despair, it encourages proactive problem-solving and self-care. It empowers individuals to draw upon their strengths and resources, no matter how limited they may feel.

But perhaps the most profound aspect of this statement is its inherent compassion. In a world that often feels indifferent or hostile, it offers a gentle affirmation of one's worth and dignity. It reminds clients that they are seen, heard, and valued, regardless of their struggles or setbacks.

Of course, the journey toward resilience is not linear, nor is it devoid of setbacks. There will be days when "having a good week" feels like an impossible feat, and that's okay. Coping isn't about perfection; it's about embracing imperfections and finding solace in the journey itself.

So, why do I say "have as good of a week as possible" at the end of every session? Because it encapsulates the essence of coping: embracing the present moment, finding hope in adversity, and nurturing resilience with compassion and grace.

As you navigate your own journey of coping and resilience, I invite you to embrace this mantra. Remember that it's okay to not be okay and that small steps forward are still progress. And above all, remember that you are worthy of kindness, compassion, and the possibility of a better week ahead.

Have as good of a week as possible, dear reader!


Week 19: A Reflection on Mother's Day and Coping


Week 17: Exploring Aromatherapy as a Coping Strategy