Week 40 - Embracing Our Inner Superhero

A superhero cape drawing compliments of one of the littles.

Lately, my little ones have been running around the house, capes trailing behind them, fully convinced they can save the world. They climb onto the couch, strike a pose, and declare, “I’m a superhero!”—as if that simple statement transforms them into someone capable of incredible feats.

And honestly? Maybe it does.

There’s something powerful about the way children step into their strength without hesitation. No second-guessing, no imposter syndrome, no waiting for someone to validate their power. They simply decide they are superheroes. They believe it—and that belief fuels their courage.

Watching them, I can’t help but wonder: When do we stop believing in our own superpowers? When do we start thinking we need permission to be strong?

The Weight of the World—and Why We Put Away Our Capes

The truth is, life has a way of making us doubt ourselves.

The world continues to feel heavy. So many of us are carrying more than we ever expected—grief, exhaustion, uncertainty. It’s understandable if you feel worn down. It’s understandable if you feel like just getting through the day is all you can manage.

And when we feel overwhelmed, it’s easy to put our capes away. We trade the joy of leaping into the unknown for the safety of doubt and hesitation. We start looking to others for validation, waiting for someone else to tell us we’re capable.

Maybe life told you that you were “too much” when you stepped into your full power. Maybe you were taught that confidence should be earned instead of claimed. Or maybe you’ve faced failures, disappointments, and moments that made you question your abilities.

The truth is that the cape was never the source of the power. The belief was.

Reclaiming Your Superpowers

We don’t need permission to step into our strength. We don’t need someone else to remind us we are capable. We just need to start wearing the cape again—metaphorically or literally (no judgment if you want to rock one in your living room).

And yes, even when the world feels unsteady, even when things feel too hard, you still have that power within you. It doesn’t mean ignoring what’s happening around you; it means reminding yourself that even in the hardest moments, you are still here. You are still strong.

Here’s how we can tap back into our superhero mindset:

1. Own Your Strengths (Even When You Feel Weary)

Superheroes don’t wait until they feel ready to take action. They step up even when they feel fear. And you’ve done that, too. Think back to moments when you’ve faced challenges—personal, professional, emotional. You survived. You adapted. That wasn’t luck; that was you.

Take a moment today to name at least three of your strengths. Write them down. Say them out loud. Own them like a superhero owns their origin story.

2. Strike the Power Pose (It’s Science, Not Just Fun!)

Ever notice how superheroes always stand tall, shoulders back, hands on their hips? That’s not just for show—it’s body language that rewires confidence. Research from Harvard psychologist Amy Cuddy shows that standing in a “power pose” for just two minutes can actually increase confidence-boosting hormones and decrease stress hormones. While there has been some debate about the hormonal effects of the power pose, data also indicates that adopting power poses can still lead to a subjective feeling of increased confidence and empowerment, potentially impacting how individuals approach challenging situations.

So, before a big meeting, a difficult conversation, or just facing a tough day, take a deep breath and strike your hero pose. Your brain (and your confidence) will thank you.

3. Reframe the Setbacks (They’re Part of the Story)

Every superhero has a backstory. They’ve faced battles, losses, and moments of doubt. But those setbacks don’t define them—how they rise does.

If you’re struggling, ask yourself: What would the strongest version of me do next? Instead of focusing on the failure, focus on the comeback. The moments of struggle are not signs of weakness; they are proof that you are growing into something even more powerful.

And remember: It’s okay to acknowledge the sadness, the exhaustion, and the uncertainty. Strength isn’t about ignoring pain—it’s about continuing forward despite it.

4. Protect Your Energy—Even Superheroes Need Rest

Superheroes don’t take on every battle. They don’t drain themselves trying to save everyone at the expense of their own well-being. If something is depleting you—whether it’s a toxic work environment, an exhausting relationship, or simply too many responsibilities—it’s time to set a boundary.

Rest isn’t a reward; it’s a requirement for resilience. And remember: saying no to what drains you is saying yes to your own strength.

5. Find Your Cape Moment—Even in Hard Times

My little ones don’t need a reason to wear their capes; they just do. They decide to step into their power. What if we did the same?

Find something that reminds you of your strength—a song, a mantra, a piece of clothing, a ritual. It could be blasting Eye of the Tiger before a big day. It could be wearing a certain pair of shoes that make you feel unstoppable. It could be a simple affirmation: “I am more capable than I think.”

Whatever your version of “the cape” is—wear it.

Finally…You Are More Powerful Than You Think

We don’t need someone else to tell us we’re strong. We are strong. Right now. In this moment. Even on the hard days. Especially on the hard days.

So today, as you step into your world—whether that’s a boardroom, a classroom, a difficult conversation, or simply getting through the day—imagine yourself putting on your cape. Walk into the moment knowing that you are resilient, courageous, and capable.

Because you are. And sometimes, all we need to do is remind ourselves to wear the cape.


Week 39: Holding Steady When the Ground Feels Unsteady